The head skeleton is pretty much done. But I'm not sure exactly which sensors I'll be using or how I'm going to mount them, so that's been delaying things a little bit.
Still has an Astromech feel to it, I think. |
I need to adjust the final height of the linear actuator to match with the parked position of the head. It won't be fully extended is use; just enough to allow for pitch and roll. It will only be extended fully for access.
A thin 3DP test panel that clips into place. |
All 3DP parts are in ABS so they can be solvent-welded together. Will obviously need filling and sanding before painting. I have had a few problems with the recent cold ambient temperatures and the 3D printer, nothing that can't be managed.
I've also setup Octoprint on a old Raspberry Pi with a webcam to keep an eye on prints, very handy!
Tweaking the design again. |
I have already decided against this scheme, but I'm still torn between 3DP panels and shaped aluminium panels or possibly a mixture of both.
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